Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saint Margaret Mary

So when I was younger, I used to be a member of the Saint Margaret Mary Parish. I went to CCD every Wednesday, and I had Holy Communian there. So if any of you know anything about Communian, you have to go to confession. From my recollection, I only remember being told to come to church, instead of CCD that Wednesday, but without my knowledge they were planning on this being a confession session.

So I come into church and no one from my CCD class was there. Being only a second grader, I didn't assume class was cancelled or that they were meeting someplace else first, I just got really scared. So, I waited for about five minutes trying to get the play by play of what was going on in church at this time of night (around 7:00). I saw people going into those little wooden rooms and I knew that meant confession. For some irrational reason, I was terrified of confession. I was mean to my brother sometimes, I lied to my Mom, and I'm sure me and my 2nd grade girl friends said bad words under our breath to each other, so I had plenty to confess.

At this point I was alone, and now doubly afriad so all I could think of to do was run home. At this time in my life Saint Margaret Mary seemed terribly far away from my house, but in reality it's about a mile away.

So, frightened to death, I made the walk of death back to my house. It was late fall and the chill in the air wasn't helping my state. I began bawling, and didn't stop crying until I was picked up by my Dad and bro, who happened to be passing by.

Needless to say, I haven't really been back to church and
soon after my parents took me out of CCD, I think because they were beginning to discuss abortion to 2nd graders.

I don't know. Not that funny. Just scary.

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