Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whoa, time flys when your'e gettin' boned.

Here's the deal... In a lapse of judgement, we haven't posted in over a month. Hey, our bad.

Here's a list of new things in our life.
1. little dog guys
2. little wrist bone guy
3. 4 bone's days under our belt since our last post

First, YES, we each got some lil' pups in house. The first is a larger than life basset hound mix thang named Carl Sagan. He's a dog that likes his astronomy.

And the second friend, is mah lil' Joose (full name Joosey). A lil' pug. Her favorite movie is Grease 2. She's been on a diet this week and all she's lost is her sense of humor. Just to give you an idea of the personalities we're dealing with.

Next up, we braved one of our biggest fears...PAIN. Pain kinda hurts. We are now reppin' bones real hard on our left wrists. Yeah, we know we got bones under that skin, but now we're wearin bones on the outside. True bones schmones fashion.

Hey I'm naked, and I enjoy a good swivel chair.

Our tat artist, was a real gem. Full of jokes. Just how we like em. First off, this guy thought we were dating. We joked along with the idea saying "we better not break up or else we'd have to get our bones removed". "We're just going to have to get married," we said. Tat guy responded with, "why would you go ruin a great relationship with that?!?" Thanks for your life views, pal, just give us our tats and we'll be on our way.

Mr. McBones went to the chair first, getting his bone out of the way, then Ms. McBones "got boned" according to Mr. Tat Artist. Real funny joke, bud.

SO in conclusion..